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Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia is considered a unique monument in world architecture, and it's magnificence and functionality has been a good example in construction of countless Ottoman mosques. Hagia Sophia with its exceptional history constitutes a synthesis between east and west. This monument is one of the wonders of the world that has remained intact until the present day. Hagia Sophia - Istanbul
One can find many attractions in Hagia Sophia - interesting forms of Byzantine architecture, mosaics of the Christian period as well as structures added during the Ottoman era.
Hagia Sophia - Istanbul Hagia Sophia has been a Christian place of worship for 916 years, then converted into a mosque and served Muslims for 481 years. Hagia Sophia Museum was opened in 1935 and ever since it has been attracting thousands of visitors every year. According to Byzantine historians (Theophanes, Nikephoros, Grammarian Leon) the first building of Hagia Sophia church was established during the reign of Constantius I (324 - 337 AD).
It was a basilica with a wooden roof, and it was burned down during a revolt. Nowadays there is no evidence of this structure.
During the reign of emperor Theodosius Hagia Sophia was built for the second time and opened to the public in 415 AD. The basilica was again burned down during the Nika Revolt in 532 AD. Some ruins of this building were discovered during excavations in 1936. There were stairs indicating the entrance of the building, columns, capitals and other fragments of the building. Hagia Sophia - Istanbul
Emperor Justinian (527 - 565 AD) wanted to build a church bigger than two previous ones, which would represent the power and magnificence of empire.
Hagia Sophia - Istanbul The new building of Hagia Sophia was made by two famous architects of that era - Isidoros from Miletus and Anthemios of Tralles. Many columns, capitals, marble and colorful stone were brought to Istanbul from various ancient cities in Anatolia and used in construction works of Hagia Sophia. The works were commenced on December 23, 532 AD and completed on December 27, 537.
The new building consisted of a large central nave and two side aisles, separated by columns, apse, inner and outer narthex. The size of the inner space of basilica is 100 X 70m and it is covered by the magnificent dome (diameter 30.31 m), supported by the four large piers, 55 m high.
Besides the unique architecture of the building, the mosaics are also important artifacts of the period. The oldest mosaics - gold gilded with geometrical and floral designs - may be found in the inner narthex as well as in side naves. Figural mosaics (with images of Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary etc.) from 9th - 12th centuries are located on Emperor Door, apse, exit doors and upstairs gallery. Hagia Sophia - Istanbul
After the conquest of Istanbul in 1453, the so-called "Turkish period" started, and several repairs were made in Hagia Sophia.
Hagia Sophia - Istanbul The art works surrounding the mihrab includes the best samples of Turkish pottery and calligraphy. The sure is taken from the Koran inscribed on rounded plates of 7.50 m diameter by Kazasker Mustafa Izzet Efendi, a famous Ottoman calligrapher. The names of Allah, Muhammed, Omer, Osman, Ali, Hasan, Ebu Bekir and Huseyin are inscribed there.
On the sidewalls of mihrab there are plates written and granted by Ottoman sultans. Tombs of Sultan Selim II, Sultan Mehmet III, Sultan Murat III as well as some of their relatives, fountain of Sultan Mahmut I, primary school, soup kitchen, library, Sultan Abdulmecit's meeting place and the mosque timekeeper's (astronomer's) house may be found in the territory of Hagia Sophia Museum. Hagia Sophia - Istanbul
All of the above mentioned objects, especially the tombs with their interior design, pottery and architecture are excellent examples of Ottoman tradition.


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