This well preserved Caravanserai is 15km from Aksaray, on the Aksaray-Nevsehir road. Its construction began in 1231 during the reign of Aladdin Keykubad, and was finished during his son, Keyhusrev's reign. The small mosque rests on four pillars directly opposite the portal. Unlike in the other caravanserais, the closed area is not opposite the portal, but to the left.
The donor of this caravanserai (1231-37) is Hoca Mesud bin Abdullah. Unlike axial caravanserais, the entrance to this building is provided through a portal laterally situated in front of a vestibule. This portal is ornamented with geometrical motifs that are patterned on so-called star systems. Giving the idea of eternity and unity of God, this systems with arms spread from star-shaped hubs have some certain cosmological meanings.
In similar to Aksaray Sultan Han, there is a kiosk-masjid at the centre of the courtyard, stables and service rooms flanking the court and a pillared enclosed section with 6 aisles.