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A Visit to Pythagorion

Pythagorion has an unstopped history of 3000 years. It is the place where past and present are impartibly and fully harmonized with the magic nature and the superb climate. All of the above compose a total that impresses and pleasantly surprises everyone that visits the home of science and culture. Pythagorion - Samos Island / Greece
Pythagorion - Samos Island / Greece Pythagorion is a traditional authentic Greek village but it also is a great tourist and cosmopolitan center. Lets not forget that it is announced by UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) as a town of global cultural inheritance.
For the lovers of action and intense living, there is the port area where one can find many bars and restaurants and music spreads all over the place, while the peace lovers can enjoy the archaeological sites, the traditional built houses, the rosy gardens and the stone streets that will transfer you to other eras long forgotten. Pythagorion - Samos Island / Greece
Pythagorion - Samos Island / Greece There are many beaches around Pythagorion, some crowded and some deserted. Pythagorion is the place of choice, and ideal vacation.


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